The other day I opened up the Yahoo front page only to find this news headline...
Space Shuttle Screeching Toward Earth
Holy Hard Hat, Batman! Believing that my family, and possibly Mother Earth herself could be in imminent danger, I clicked on the headline to read the rest of the article...
...only to learn that all was well. The Shuttle had apparently screeched toward earth as part of an orderly, controlled landing, and put down with the same ease as your basic 747. And so, as it turned out, no jagged burning space shrapnel was screeching it's way through the atmosphere on it's way to Bridgewater after all.
But the key point here is that the headline made me look.
I’ve been involved in the casino issue for over a year now, and along the way have seen more than my share of “The Sky is Falling” headlines. They warn of the imminent appearance of that glass casino tower rising out of the Middleboro forest, of sovereign nations on the move, and of the gambling industry's dire and inevitable encroachment into our lives, as if it were some sort of unstoppable flesh eating bacteria.
But those flesh eating bacteria stories – they make you look, don’t they? And making you look, getting you to change the channel or buy a newspaper or click on a sponsored link, is starting to seem more important these days than the truth. Which is why, I’m pretty sure, that casino inevitability bushwah always seems to snag the headline and at least the first paragraph.
But it didn't always seem that way. Back when I was a kid, I was always writing something. And so one day, my mom suggested that I become a reporter when I grew up. And I remember thinking about that, turning the possibility over in my head for about a week. To me, reporters were Woodwards and Bernsteins. They asked the hard questions and did the real research. They pulled the shining scepter of truth from layers of muck and deception. And their words – their words could collapse a corrupt empire, pave the way for change and even save lives.

And me? I just liked to make people laugh. Hard questions seemed... well... hard. And so, suffice it to say Gladys did not pursue a career in journalism.
Fast forward to the 21st century, and all those casino Chicken Little stories compelled me to begin writing this blog (which, yes, I do still sometimes use to make people laugh.)
But I mean, someone had to start telling the truth about casinos. And that task appears to be falling on the shoulders of bloggers - which is why, more and more, people searching for the whole story are wandering over to the blogs for their daily dose of reality. (Even if it sometimes does include a Yorkie with a cell phone.)
And yet, despite my amateur status with the muck and the hard questions, I've still faced pressure, at times, from a few elected officials who'd like me to change my blogging ways. A politically savvy friend I made in the course of this battle once told me that politicians often try to control the media for their own purposes. Which totally ticked me off.
So I wondered… does it tick off the traditional media that our Governor and the Tribe’s investors and spokespeople are capitalizing on their quest for sensational headlines to sell casinos to the people of the Commonwealth?
Because it should.
Yesterday I’m out having dinner with my Dad when he tells me he’s heard the casino is coming. He even provides a date. Heard it on the news, he says.
I explain that it’s not and why. But still he insists – it was on the news….
It's not the truth, I continue to explain to Dad. It's just more of ‘the sky is falling.’
I know I’m not alone in my disappointment at the coverage this issue has received. From the failure of much of the media to report on Article 3, to the perpetuation of the inevitabilty myth, to the wholesale under-reporting about what's involved in taking land-into-trust, to the continued insistence that the Tribe and the Governor are sitting down to sign a compact at any moment.

Because let's face it, most people still think they're getting the whole truth with their news. And so, I really wish the traditional media would not only look deeper at this issue, but also actually report on it. Yeah, I realize that telling people that the sky isn't falling may not sound very exciting. But that’s where the real story is.
For instance, why is our Governor continuing to push casinos and so seemingly willing to sacrifice his own State's sovereignty when he doesn’t have to - despite raising the almost universal ire of his supporters? And why are some people lying to the public about the inevitability of legalized gambling in Massachusetts, or that a casino can be build on any Federally recognized land - when there is ample proof that it isn't? What's motivating this deception? And why was the Intergovernmental Agreement with the Tribe rushed so quickly? And what's up with that Section 22 B, anyway? And why weren't educational forums about potential casino impacts held for Middleboro residents? And while we're at it, why did the Middleboro Board of Selectmen spend more time considering dog complaints than a researching whether a casino was really a done deal (like some of us.) Those things and about a million more little things that don’t add up.
Look, I don't think anyone expects Woodward or Bernstein anymore... but c'mon, no one deserves Chicken Little, either.
And why is no one taking a good hard look at the rose-tinted-glasses revenue projections in light of the dismal economic news all around us (5.5% unemployment in this state alone), and the fact that casinos--especially the "destination resort" type ones-that this monstrosity is patterned after--are not doing so well anymore? No one wants to think it won't work out as planned even though the current economy resembles the 1990 economy about as much as a Mercedes-Benz resembles a horse-drawn haytruck.
This inquiring mind wants to know, so fourth estate, how 'bout it?
But Fiferstone, let's face it - for any story about casino revenue - tireless snake oil salesman Clyde Barrows would be contacted for one of his perpetually rosy quotes regarding all that money for the taking just a walkin' across the border to CT.
There will be those will drool over these supposedly fleeing riches and point to said quote for years to come as a sound reason to base our economy on such a 'lucrative' foundation.
Same snake oil, different day.
Sure do miss Walter Cronkite, "And that's the way it was...."
Gladys, you and your fellow bloggers have done a great job getting the public the truth with the links to back it up.
Problem is that there are some who seem allergic to the truth, especially when it conflicts with their own agenda. Oh, well.... magna est veritas et praevalebit!
We are the future of the media. The main stream media is dying a slow death. It is all about profits in what they print, on paper or on web. In the word of Jack - "(They) can't handle the truth!" They are losing credibility and thus their following.
The media will report what sells...and apparently only what they are told without actually doing the hard work or asking the difficult questions.
I wish I could answer some of your questions for you Gladys, but I can't. I can say that I don't believe half of what is reported on the news these days and how sad is that?!
Your right though...more and more people do wander over to our blogs to find out the truth. Some of them are even reporters themselves and Representatives of this State. I guess the Yorkie with the cell phone tactic works because people are listening.
You know what....I DO expect Woodward and Bernstein and resent the Chicken Little tactic to up ratings. Are there no ethics in reporting anymore?
kids say the darned things.
One day the first grade teacher was reading the story of Chicken Little to her class. She came to the part of the story where Chicken Little tried to warn the farmer. She read, ".... and so Chicken Little went up to the farmer and said, 'The sky is falling, the sky is falling!' "
The teacher paused then asked the class, "And what do you think that farmer said?"
One little girl raised her hand and said, "I think he said: "Holy ****! A talking chicken!"
The teacher was unable to teach for the next 10 minutes.
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