The Irony:
“It’s about connecting more students to opportunities that are well within their reach.”
- Dana Mohler-Faria, President, Bridgewater State College,
referring to Deval Patrick's vision for universal public education as quoted in Commonwealth Magazine

School's back in session at Bridgewater State College.
And so, I thought this might be an excellent time to remind my readers, once again, of the potential effects a mega casino could have on the students at Bridgewater State.
One might assume, with gambling only legal at 21 years of age, that a casino in close proximity to BSC would be a non-issue.
However, a study by Platz, Knapp and Crossman titled Gambling by Underage College Students demonstrated that for students residing in an environment affording opportunities to gamble, age is no impediment.
The study revealed that...
59.8% of 18 year olds,
72.8% of 19 year olds, and
86.1% of 20 year olds
...admitted to gambling in a casino because a casino was readily available.
BSC has a total enrollment of approximately 8,000 undergraduate students, most of whom are under 21 years of age.
If a casino is built in Middleboro, it will be less than 10 minutes away, and a straight shot to the front door of Boyden Hall (the building in the photo).
Do we really need to give college students another distraction? Do they really need another opportunity to develop a bad habit, or worse - an addiction? Do they really need another tempting piece of forbidden fruit within easy reach? And do any of our communites need another place where young people can get tanked up on free drinks, get into their cars, and hit the roads while text messaging their friends?
Because, as you can see, underage patrons will get into casinos.
So, why haven't we heard from Bridgewater State College president Dana Mohler-Faria about this? Don't expect to. He is Governor Patrick's 'Special Advisor for Education'.
To quote Governor Patrick:
"I'm not that interested in gambling, per se, it's the jobs and revenue I cared about." that makes a lot of sense.
Patrick is only interested in the means to an end without looking at the finished product. Of course he knows something like this should not be less than 10 minutes away from college students...but he DOESN"T CARE.
Can you say....cha ching $$$$$
Great post GK.
While I'm focused on how insufficient the money is, let's not forget that no amount of money is going to help the lives that are ruined by gambling addiction.
This is neither "smart" nor "growth" ... discuss.
In yet more irony, Patrick wants to leave a legacay as an "education" governor.
Legislative and Adminstrative Steps were taken to adress abuse of credit cards and credit card companies when colege students were delliberately targeted and got themselves in trouble.
In this case, first the Mboro school comitee and superintendant endorse this deal without gathering the facts and then the teachers union endorses it. People you might think were so smart publicly proved themselves not so smart.
So should Dana Mohler-Faria silence surprise us?
At least he's not the factless cheerlessleader Clyde Barows is, but must they all follow the leader?
Heaven help our young adults. My friends 23yr.old,(newly graduate from college), grandson believes he will get a "great" paying job at this proposed casino,(waste of time getting that diploma). Worst part, he can't wait to be able to gamble & party on a bigger scale in his hometown, whatever his pay is there it goes, right back to them. He'll owe his soul to the company store.
This is why I can't understand Bridgewater State College NOT SPEAKING OUT AGAINST IT being right down the road!!
Your right Jacquie, not only the Governor doesn't care, but worse, the college leadership doesn't either!! Where are the brains in this place?
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