Late last night, despite intense lobbying from the gambling industry, New Hampshire voted down a slot bill.
WHAT'S IN A (NICK)NAME? During the gambling debate, it seemed like New Hampshire was looking for a new nickname. No, not Taxahampshire.Hey, Maggie... just because some of your friends are jumping in the lake, does that make it a good idea for YOU to jump in the lake?
Rep. Neal Kurk, R-Weare, said he didn't want the state to become New Jersey North, or Las Vegas East.
D'Allesandro answered that he'd like to think of us as Delaware North. "(That) state has farms and industry, plus successful slot machines operations at three race tracks," he said.
Kurk was among the most outspoken gambling foes.
"Raising taxes in a recession is problematic. But the consequences of this bill, this video-slot-machine bill, are worse," he said.
Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-Exeter, defended the gaming plan. She spoke about someone with a serious gambling addiction. "He gambled in New Hampshire," she said, "by credit card, over the phone, over the Internet."
I mean, let's see... an individual with a gambling problem gambles on the Internet and phone - and you want to give them another venue - and then tax the bejesus out of it?
Way to wield that leadership position, Maggie.
So let's hear if for New Hampshire - for having the strength and common sense, despite the pressures of a recession, a parade of lobbyists, the inevitability machine, and the Sen. Hassans and D'Allesandro's of the world to give the predatory gambling industry another much needed, long-overdue, kick in the arse with a cold boot.
And by the way... "Delaware North?"
Now that's a slogan to strive for. I mean, definitely better than "The Granite State". Seriously.
Funny (as in strange) how so many cast a blind eye to the problems created by predatory gambling right under their noses and would still support it. Their loyalties are obviously elsewhere and not with their fellow man.
...like in Middleboro, circa 2007?
I wonder if 'Recollecting Nemasket' will ever cover that particular local phenomenon on it's blogspot.
Oh well, Carl, if not - we'll be here.
I'm really glad you commented on this.
When the public safety people in NH opposed casinos because casinos would increase crime, I was really proud that law enforcement professionals realized that crime is really individuals who have to endure trauma in their lives. It seemed to me that those NH law enforcement people knew that their job was to oppose things that would create more 'work' for them. I felt that they recognized that their job was to prevent crime and keep people safe by reducing any potential causes of crime.
It seemed to me that those professionals in Mboro who totally supported the casino welcomed the opportunity to increase their workload and their overtime and one in particular stood to profit from a large land sale. Such a shame.
It's always good to know that there a still voices of sanity in NH who oppose this cockamamee scheme.
Belinda, yes I remember when NH law enforcement came out against casinos!
I thought... FINALLY!
One of the most incomprehensible things about the Middleboro casino chronicles was how local law enforcement and education leadership quickly gave such willing support to the project.
And in fact, it really didn't make people in the community feel safe. I know that from talking to them.
All that glitters is not gold.
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