I'll give you mine for free:

Governor in Mashpee to celebrate casino compact with Wampanoag Tribe

Massachusetts Community Colleges already gearing up for wave of casino careers

Gov. Deval Patrick to speak at Democratic convention on preserving the American Dream
You said it all! Thanks!
I love how our homey Deval signs a compact with an indian tribe (gag)that isn't eligible for LIT. Is this going to be an "end around" by pols to get this tribal casino in? Will they make up some new rule to further the tribe and further thier own careers?
I believe they will. If you check out Carverchick's blog, you'll read about a tribal loophole that allows pols to collect unlimited political donations from tribes. That explains much, doesn't it. For 5 years I've watched the havoc that greed can play with people's souls.
Ok Gladys, I did ck. out Carverchick's blog about the unlimited amounts of donations from tribes. Eek!!!!, another proof of Sovereignty being a failed Federal Policy!!
Watch out New England, we are in trouble, these failed policies will be coming to your neighborhood.
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