There's just not enough garlic in the world to keep this guy away.
Indian Gaming Attorney and all-around vampire Dennis Whittlesey, who helped draft the Intergovernmental agreement between Middleboro and the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe proves in a recent article that he's not ready to close the coffin door just yet.
Perhaps, sensing a recent drop in state-wide Kool-aid levels, he felt compelled to step in and offer a transfusion of his own. Which would explain this:
Read the newspapers in Boston these days and you will conclude that casino gaming is not coming to Massachusetts anytime soon. The cards are folded, the chips are in storage and New England casino workers are interviewing at Foxwoods for jobs with the Seminole Tribe in Florida. But don't bet your mortgage on that conclusion. The one certainty is that casino gaming is coming to Massachusetts - and sooner than meets the eye.Look into my eyes...
The major blow to the Governor's dream came when House Speaker Salvatore DiMasi decided to oppose the casino plan, arguing that expanded gaming would drain revenue from other businesses and increase personal bankruptcies, petty crimes and other social ills. In this, DiMasi ignored the reality of gaming activity already being pursued by Bay State residents, who wager substantial sums at Connecticut and Rhode Island casinos. And, he also ignored the certainty of Indian gaming commencing in Massachusetts within the next several years.The 'Governor's dream'... (hee hee) don't you just love that? Makes it sound like it's right up there with world peace and universal health care. (Of course, according to Dennis, it probably is.) And did you also notice how he's jumping right on the Blame DiMasi bandwagon? Because it couldn't possibly have had ANYTHING to do with doing the right thing... (But then, casinos are always the right thing for Dennis and his law firm.) And as far as the money going to Connecticut, trust me, that chestnut was rolled out more times than a phyllo dough during the debate and hearings. My head still throbs from the non-stop mantra at the State House. But please Dennis, do not even get me started about the 'certianty of Indian gaming commencing in Massachusetts'
You're getting sleepy...
...when previous Florida Governors refused to negotiate a Compact with the Seminole Tribe, the Seminoles simply developed several Class II gaming facilities which quickly became some of the most profitable casinos in the country.Um... yeah because the nearest competition was 600 miles away - unlike having the world's two largest casinos only two hours away.
Very sleepy...
The Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe is the tribe that met the Mayflower at Plymouth Rock;Um... wrong again, Dennis. Might I suggest reading New York Times bestseller Mayflower? Or at least not getting your 'facts' from pro-casino web sites.
It will only hurt for a moment...
...on July 28 by what has been called the largest Town Meeting ever conducted in New England. The Town Meeting vote was 2-1 in favor of the tribal casino.Dennis, I know you were there. Don't you remember how the agreement was approved, but the town voted overwhelmingly that it DIDN'T want a casino. Not to mention that, while the vote on the agreement was close to 2-1, it still missed out on the cigar. So... sorry again. Where are you getting this stuff?
A vampire can only enter your home if you invite him in. And I specifically remember that last summer the Middleboro board of selectmen wanted to find a lawyer specializing in Indian gaming law so that they could get the best advice possible. That's when Adam opened the door to Dennis.
So, did Middleboro actually get any real advice? Or did they just get the inevitability hard sell by a casino-selling lawyer pretending to work both sides of the Tribal gaming street?
Remember folks, a vampire will always try to hypnotize you right before going for the jugular and stealing your life's blood. That's what they do. They're vampires. And as a result, Middleboro's selectmen are now vampire minion by mandate.
Quick, someone hand me a stake.
Where the heck is Buffy when you need her?
This guy is a real piece of work...how about coming up with some new "inevitability" material? We have heard this all before and know none of it is true. I love how he says Middleboro voted 2-1 for a casino....ah-hem -- that mysterious article 3 gets more and more....mysterious.
This stuff is so old its not even a challenge to dispute. Frankly I'm a bit disappointed...I would have thought the big Indian Gaming lawyer would have had something more convincing to say.
Portions of the IGA that Mr. Whittlesey negotiated are unenforceable. Other portions a sham. Watching the commentary regarding the IGA and reading it ourselves, we're still trying to figure out what we paid $200K for.
It would be laughable if it weren't so pathetic.
Thanks for the post, but you reminded me of how badly the town got screwed by Mr. Bond.
*Sharpens stake and gladly hands to Gladys*
Entertaining as always Gladys. Thanks for reminding me to stock up on garlic.
Brilliant and witty. Your use of humor drives home the point very effectively. Zes bloodsucking creatures of ze night!! Get thee behind me Satan (Denniscula).
"The Mashpee Wampanoag met the pilgrims at Plymouth Rock"
He makes it appear that there was one tribe, the Mashpee (I still don't believe they are)that ruled from the cape to where? Wampanoag means "eastern people" Mashpee doesn't mean Middleboro. Not even close. Don't forget Dennis, indian history,according to the Mashpee, is oral. That makes me think of a certain guy named Glen that was a force to be reckoned with in Vietnam,and by the way,a liar.
The truth is the Nauset and possibly other tribes, met the "settlers" on the CAPE years after the pilgrims landed, they were not greeted with smiling faces as history tells us. According to you history is HIS-STORY.
I have looked into Dennis' eyes and believe him. Dennis knows the truth. Dennis was alive when Glenn Marshall greeted the Pilgrims on that ship. Dennis knows how difficult that first winter was. Get out those stakes, Gladys! You're going to need them. Dennis knows!
And for another $200K, he'll tell you more fairy tales.
A nice dose of sunshine ought to toast this night stalker. I've missed all this fun being on vacation. Always entertaining. He can't get to me behind this fence. The sun shines constantly in Lakeville.
Whittlesey hasn't figured out that casinos have been defeated EVERY SINGLE TIME they've been up for a vote. They're not wanted in the Commonwealth. They were defeated before deValue was elected and they'll be defeated again. No casinos. No racinos. There are no incumbent legislators who will loose their seats this term. You can only buy so many pols, Mr. Whittlesey. Prepare yourself for the bumper crop of garlic!
Note to Dennis:
The person who called this "the richest deal in Indian country" was Glenn Marshall - the same guy who said "Hey honey, can I drive you home. I'm a good guy .. honest. I've got all these medals from 'Nam to prove it"
The deal you negotiated would have paid us about $32M dollars - which would have been negotiated down to what we should have received - 20-25 million dollars.
The final deal was very different from the one you negotiated and in fact was very close to the one first negotiated by Whitten and Healey. Which makes me wonder - What exactly did we get for the money we paid you.
Count me as one unsatisfied customer.
Can we get our money back? Mr. Whittlesey cost us more than the TMFH and we have little to show for it. He conducted all kinds of research that no one ever saw, was unable to answer questions at a public meeting and failed to protect his client, the town.
We love history and are always reading about the early history of the Plymouth/Middleboro area. Mr. Whittlesey has clearly read books that no one else is familiar with. Maybe he should present his sources that indicate the Mashpee Wampanoags have ties to Middleboro because no one else has seen that information. Hhhhmmmm...too much KoolAid, Dennis?
Mr. Whittlesey needs to do a little reading about our great Commonwealth because it's unlike any other. Regardless of the state constitution, the last bunch of governors were so busy running for higher office...the Presidency, anyone? they didn't pay much attention to governing. Hence, the legislature filled the void. Think they'll surrender power? And they voted NO Class III gaming. And they will vote NO again and again as they have repeatedly.
Mr. Whittlesey, please stop giving Mr. Barrows KoolAid. It's no good for his reputation.
He's beginning to sound less like a vampire and more like a robot. C-A-S-I-N-O, I-N-E-V-I-T-A-B-L-E, C-L-A-S-S 2, S-E-M-I-N-L-O-E-S ,R-E-V-E-N-U-E, C-O-N-N-E-C-T-I-C-U-T, OVERLOAD,OVERLOAD,SMOKE,FIZZ.
Vampire Minion? The image is too funny and too appropriate.
You need more stakes and we'll donate with pleasure!
Oh, now, Dennis! Come sit on Nannie's knee whilst we crunch those dastardly numbers.
Nannie has no fear since her attire includes the ever-present necklace of garlic.
Nannie, as some might predict, grows garlic because it's cost-effective!
Some might be so horribly crude as to say the deal you negotiated sucks, but NN would NEVER be so crass.
NN would instead offer to provide calculators to both you and Alan BonBon for your use since you both have difficulty with the 2/3s issue.
I have to say not only to you Gladys but to all the 15 people that made comments. It is very apparent you all have studied or at least read the rules, regulations, and the law, on the land into trust issue. I have never see this done from the pro-casino side. Have they read all these regulations? the application? Have they read the Amicus Brief? go you one better, would they understand it if they did???? They didn't, they can't, that's why they resort to name calling only, (racists). FREE LEONARD PETLIER
Bet they don't even know who he is without looking him up!!!!!!!!
Dennis was kinda cute in his way. High maintenance. Big price tag. Don't we at least get visitation for our $200,000? But he was cute. Glad you warned of the need for garlic. He reminds me of my first husband-the blood sucker. Now I see the similarities. Cute, but useless. What would we do without you Gladys to point out the truth? I hope no other town succumbs to his cute. Wasted money.
My blood type is the rare AB negative. It will cost you plenty for a pint.......say $200,000. Please contact me at Transylvania 6500 if interested.
Anonymous, April 26, 2008 6:41 PM, You're damn right! My husband says I quote IGRA, the IGA and the Governor's 125 page filing in my sleep. The pro side hasn't figured out the significance of sovereignty and they don't want to. And we have an offensive Selectman who likens it to the Holocaust.
The pros mindlessly follow Dennis like sheep. Dennis knows all!
It's easier to follow like sheep than do the research and make an informed decision.
anonymous 6:41PM, you got it right. I was disgusted when I read the letter to the editor that, yet again, resorted to the race issue. This isn't about race, but a host of other issues. I'm proud of my Selectmen who oppose this monster. Mr. Whittlesey has betrayed his clients, the voters of Middleboro.
And the Middleboro Board of Selectmen betrayed the voters of Middleboro.
Mr. Whittlesey represented the casino investors and not the town.
I'm sure Plympton would provide the garlic and the stakes.
Anon 9:29
Count Chocula is cute. Dennis is just menacing and draconian. Doubt he even has a heart to drive a stake through.
Dennis' fantasy world seems to revolve around Dennis. He sucked as an attorney. He was a poor pubic spokesperson. He was uninformed even after many hours spent on research that was never presented or included in the IGA. And he NEVER represented his clients, the voters of Middleboro. He represented the casino investors. Frequently, his responses were incorrect based on the law. I hope no other town has the sad fate of his representation.
This guy was hired to do a job which he did poorly. He was paid. Is business so slow that he has to keep following the issue? Why doesn't Mr. Whitteley just go away? He's not even quoting the laws properly, which he didn't do when he was in Middleboro.
He doesn't have to be an "expert' on Indian Gaming to fool the public. Just think of how little we all knew before this all began. If you look around,read,google, whatever, you'll discover that "all" these "experts" use the same formula. Stewards,sovereign,gaming,rights,BIA,IGRA. Repeat 1,000,000 times.
Gladys, your post is funny, except Middleboro got screwed in the process. This guy goes on to screw other towns, feed them misinformation and lies, and he moves on. Blood sucker accurately describes him.
Dennis reminds me of the kid in 2nd grade who was CUTE. Remember when he did stupid things and got away with it? He had that cute little smile and impish way. And as he got older, cute wore off, but Dennis' self-perception never did. He still thinks he's CUTE and what he says impresses. When the commoners of Middleboro saw through Dennis' CUTE, Dennis sputtered. This is the scam of INEVITABILITY that Dennis perpetuates. Many saw through Dennis' scam and I hope no one else falls for it.
The inevitability in Middleboro will FAIL, Dennis. It will FAIL for many reasons, but not because you did a decent job. It will FAIL because the commoners saw through your CUTE and saw you for the vampire you are.
The sad thing is that the track record of Dennis Whittlesey, esq. was available on the net for all to read and contemplate BEFORE we engaged him to negotiate with the tribe in behalf of Middleboro. Again, to be fair, much of his bargaining position had already been given away by uninformed negotiations that should not have taken place to begin with: the land, the major components of the financial compensation (7 or 11 million anyone?) He was handed a turd to polish, but IMHO it's still a turd. Yet despite these obvious (and fairly crippling) handicaps in Middleboro's bargaining position, Middleboro should have known what it was getting when it hired him: A legal expert who facilitates the establishment of gambling enterprises. Why should anyone be surprised when he goes on public record on his firm's website advocating for the inevitability of casino gambling in Massachusetts despite it's having been defeated each and every time it comes to a vote in the legislature? I wonder how much of the pungence of our particular deal can be traced to BOS control over the attorney? An attorney can only do what the client allows him/her to do, and I think this BOS caved when Whittelsey's counteroffer was roundly rejected by Marshall and his ilk, consequently, Whittlesey did not negotiate a deal of the sort that he usually achieves. Any deal to expand gambling as a revenue stream is I believe a bad deal, but this one. . . ugh... I would not be surprised if Mr. Whittlesey hopes to add to his professional credentials the statement that he was instrumental in opening up the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to the casino gambling industry, else, why publish that article? Keep those stakes sharpened and that garlic handy.
fiferstone, your comment seems to tell it all: "I would not be surprised if Mr. Whittlesey hopes to add to his professional credentials the statement that he was instrumental in opening up the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to the casino gambling industry, else, why publish that article?"
Except his hopes are clearly wrong!
I just want to say, I believe the man's name is Leonard Pelitier.
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