Yet, rather than being a point of leverage, this reality was steamrolled by certain town officials, local supporters, misinformed legislators and the media, who created an atmosphere of exigency, and wove a fiction that the town must sign an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Tribe, or be left with nothing.
Look at the Connecticut casinos, we were told. Foxwood's host community negotiated no agreement, and was left without mitigation for the world's biggest casino. Mohegan Sun, it was said, was the smart one, negotiating for $500,000 per year with the host community.
And Middleboro, we were lead to believe, would benefit from the best agreement ever known. But only if it hurried - because the Tribe was just itchin' to go elsewhere.

And I'm still not sure how Dennis Whittlesey failed to mention this to the town. Or, if he did, how Selectman liason to the negotiations Adam Bond failed to appreciate it's relevence beyond his own blinding desire, for whatever his reasons, to see the casino built.
Additionally the public recieved no educational forums to consider environmental, social or quality of life impacts of a mega-resort casino by experts. Surrounding communities, which would be effected, had no say at all.
For all his bluster and confidence, the only leg Glenn Marshall had to stand on was the one he'd propped up with crooked lobbyists and straw contributors.

The opposition worked hard to place Article 3 on the warrant - that the town didn't want a casino - which passed overwhelmingly. Mention of Article 3 was deemed irrelevant to the Middleboro Selectmen's letter to the DOI.

President Obama recently appointed a new head of the Department of the Interior who has stated that he wants to put an end to the rampant corruption within his agencies.

There are many reasons I could list why this is a dangerous route to take, but first and most importantly, if the IGA is re-negotiated, the DOI and BIA will view this as support, that our previous concerns about the process preceeding the first IGA have now have been sufficently answered, and that environmental impacts have been 'mitigated' to the host community's satisfaction.
That's how it works. These agencies beat the bushes and comb the fine print for indications of 'support'. And there will not be another chance to file our opposition to a new contract.
Whether or not to renegotiate the contract has nothing to do with an emotional reaction or the need to work together toward some common goal. It has everything to do with staying on course and keeping our red shoes firmly on the Yellow Brick Road.

In other words, as far as off-reservation Land into Trust scenarios go, we are, at the moment, in a very good position.
Renegotiating the IGA right now would help nothing and potentially hurt the opposition's well-founded case. It would not make the process that took place in 2007 any better, it would not stop impacts to the regional environment and it would not better educate people. And worse, it would present us with a BIG UNKNOWN.

For close to two years now, legislators, journalists, creative professionals, political specialists, lawyers, professors, social services, environmentalists, engineers, the religious community, local officials, bloggers and every day folks with hearts in the right place have walked beside me on these yellow bricks.
And if we just keep following this road, eventually it'll lead us back home.
Bravo, Gladys! You've done it again.
I don't agree that renegotiation would have any effect on the chances of the BIA approving LIT. If I did, I wouldn't be advocating for it. Renegotiation would not be a show of support from the populace, it would be the action of a very pro-casino BOS.
When I looked at the draft EIS, every concern that had anything to do with the payments to Middleboro were labeled as 'Irrelevant - Middleboro already signed a deal'. The only risk I can see is a softening of anti-casino resolve for people who's sole reason for opposition if the financial impact to the town - and I know only one person who fits into that category and isn't doing anything for us anyway.
In the event that the casino comes - which it's not - a better deal for Middleboro might be a beneficial datapoint for area towns looking to get mitigation money from the state.
But your other points are quite right w/regards to the POS process, letter writing and maintaining opposition.
"When I looked at the draft EIS, every concern that had anything to do with the payments to Middleboro were labeled as 'Irrelevant - Middleboro already signed a deal'".
Actually, the EIS will first and foremost attempt to 'mitigate' our concerns, and it's a simplistic assumption to imagine that a renegotiation of the contract WILL NOT appear to have done that.
It will also have a negative effect for the opposition, should they need to proceed with litigation in the future.
Casino battles, much like football, are fought by inches, and wording and actions must be carefully considered.
"In the event that the casino comes - which it's not - a better deal for Middleboro might be a beneficial datapoint for area towns looking to get mitigation money from the state."
On a personal level, having fought this battle alongside those from Middleboro and surrounding communities full throttle for almost two years, having felt it's effects on my life and family, and having never wavered from it, I find this statement positively repugnant, and perhaps best kept for private conversations with ex- and pro-casino selectmen.
Renegotiating seems to me such a waste of time, since no amount of money for any town is worth the headaches casinos bring to their locales.
And, who will be doing the negotiating anyway? Which "investor" will be there?
Which "lobbyist" will represent the tribe?
Who will the contract lawyer be? Whittesley again?
Funny how he was the one saying the IGA could be at risk. Let's do it all over again (out stretched hand).
Who from the town has all the knowledge on the real cost of putting a billion dollar casino in a rural community surrounded by sensative enviromental area?
They have only now realized the ambulance service alone is not enough. What about the rest?
Police? Fire? Schools? Roadways?
Good luck with that Middleborough. I'm still waiting for someone to "do it right."
Didn't you hear that person running around Middleboro, insisting on a seat at the RTF table, waving reams of paper and saying "If you let me sit with the Big Boys, I'll give you my information. But I won't show it to you otherwise." ????
Renegotiating the IGA is a waste of time, effort and energy. If anyone really wants this casino not to happen, it must be fought tooth and nail. That IGA should be torn to pieces and the corrupt Tribe and it's investors told to take a hike.
Bumpkin, I hardly believe that more money for Middleboro would give leverage to surrounding communities. It's a nice thought and all, but you forget one thing....there are several communities who are publically against this project and no amount of money will change their minds. Why? Because they are smart enough to realize you can't budget today for what may be 5, 10, 20 or 30 years from now - and you certainly cannot put a price on rural character or the land that many, many SE residents rely on for their livihoods.
No Casino!
Quite right!
The man representing the town did a powerpoint presentation that represented how wildly profitable a town ambulance service would be. And the town planner, apparently with a brain already frozen rallied behind him. The town committee for years has been saying it isn't cost effective, but this man skewed the numbers and convinced himself it was a revenue stream.
Matrix didn't have all the numbers because the town didn't provide them and they didn't have accurate traffic projections for reasons that are unclear because they could have reviewed CT numbers, and it still didn't make sense financially. And the town planner, brain still frozen stood up and challenged the man's numbers because she can't believe she's wrong.
The original traffic projection was 50,000 cars per day. Anyone one of us could arrive at a reasonable projection of what that volume increase would represent in terms of ambulance runs, but the town planner argued that the volume might only increase the ambulance runs by 1 per day.
And that totally fails to consider that the tractor trailer rollover at the rotary last year had a state trooper or police officer at every single intersection and traffic on routes 495, 18, 28, 44, 79 was at a standstill for hours. That a Ka-Ching of police overtime for all surrounding towns.
After Calter spoke at a bos meeting, the main casino cheerleader posted questionable school figures from CT on his blog that apparently allowed him to convince himself that there would be no increase in student population. Not being a numbers cruncher, his figures are dead wrong.
The water and sewer figures are grossly understated without even knowing how big the monster will be.
The main cheerleader and devoted followers failed to note that public discussion would have revealed the flawed figures.
Someday, Toto will pull back the curtain and reveal the little man with the massive ego for what he is. Someday, the bos will be more than flying monkeys.
Carl, you make excellent points which, I believe, would fall under "THE UNKNOWN, but frighteningly possible if not probable category."
Yikes... be afraid. Be very afraid.
Carl has the right idea. Who do you negotiate with? About to be indicted Shawn Hendricks? Who's next? Minni Mi's buddy, Steven Graham? The investors? Herb Strather who's out of bucks? It makes you wonder if the town will have any surviving partners to negotiate with. This is gonna be like the 4 Stooges. Sit back and enjoy the slapstick comedy.
I was listening to a lengthy program about road tar that was pretty boring, not that I was ever interested in roads or tar. Theirs a severe production shortage, not that I care. It made me wonder about the dollar amount included in the IGA that because of the shortage and the price of oil, that amount may now be erroneous and theirs no ecalation provision. Scot Fearsome kept saying the monster would be built in 18 months.
Who negotiated this anyway?
I fully agree with you, but it does seem that short-sighted pro-casino folks have missed their opportunity to get a better deal for themselves. With the tribe in chaos, the bos stupified, the investors out of money, more inditments coming, this will collapse of its own weight.
Bumpkin, I hardly believe that more money for Middleboro would give leverage to surrounding communities. It's a nice thought and all, but you forget one thing....there are several communities who are publically against this project and no amount of money will change their minds.
This isn't about changing anyone's mind - that's not was was said or even implied in my comment. I said if the casino comes, the amount of money Middleboro is getting might be a salient point for the amount that area towns receive in mitigation from the state. I did not suggest of imply that renegotiation of the IGA would dangle money to entice area towns. In the event that a casino comes, I have to believe that the amount of money Middleboro is getting is germane. Following that logic, I think Carver stands to get more if Middleboro is getting $25M versus how much they can expect if Middleboro gets $9M.
Middleboro already signed it's deal and that is all the BIA cares about. My comments at the BIA focused on the financial impacts to the town from an IGA that gave insufficient payments. The comment from the BIA was that the concern was irrelevant because Middleboro already signed an IGA.
Great blog, Gladys, except for one thing:
This LIT application is not dependant on Host Community Support. If the land were already in trust and the tribe wanted to change the intended use to gaming, that is when it is important to have Host Community Support.
Sorry to deliver the hard truth, but no one in DC cares about public opinion of this application.
That goes for both sides; if they don't care about our objections, then conversly, they don't care about the flying monkeys who support it.
The application will be decided on it's merits. And anyone who is anti-casino should consider that the best news they have heard all day!
It ain't comin'!
Bumpkin I think somewhere you forgot that being No Casino means not putting a price tag on your quality of life. If no amount of money will make a casino palatable or acceptable for you - as you've stated in the past - then stand by it. It's not a theoretical exercise. Either a certain amount of money will make a casino OK, or it won't. You "cover" your town by fighting for it.
Anon. 7:14, I didn't say it WAS dependent, I said it was greatly dependent on host community support. And I stand by that.
Also, I strongly believe that, in light of existing scandals, sending our opinions to the various agencies in DC, cc'ing investigative agencies and vice versa, this will garner attention.
This application could result in the world's biggest casino, and isn't being decided in a vacuum, whether it is or isn't supposed to be.
From where I sit, this is a corrupt process, with a corrupt agency, with a corrupt tribe, with corrupt investors, questionable conduct by town officials which leads residents to question their integrity, with a corrupt industry, in an already corrupt state incapable of policing itself.
Just keep writing letters!
Anon. 8:32, I completely agree. I would like to think that applications are judged on their merits - but then I remember the Tribe's application for Federal recognition...
If no amount of money will make a casino palatable or acceptable for you - as you've stated in the past - then stand by it.
Clearly a number of people don't, won't, or can't understand my position.
I'm completely against losing my job but I make financial plans to cover myself in that eventuality.
I am completely against a casino at any price. In the event that one comes, I would rather have more financial payments than less. I would rather have a good deal than a crappy one and will continue to advocate that position until I see some credible argument that it is somehow helping the chances of casino actually coming to Middleboro.
I would prefer that this BOS oppose LIT, violate the IGA, and make a stand on principle even if it meant getting no money. The problem is that there is no chance this BOS will do that and no amount of wishing or blogging by me will change that fact.
That misinformation hysteria you wrote about continues today. If you've been watching the commentary, mostly in the Brockton Enterprise, about the last RTF meeting, it reads like gossip passed from one person to the next, reported inaccurately, out of context and misconstrued. People who were not in attendance, and that includes the reporter, Alice Elwell, are commenting on what transpired.
As you know since you were there, the only reporter I saw was Chris Walgreen of the Boston Globe.
What I don't understand is how Bond could renegotiate when he has no accurate projections or information.
He kept saying he had all the information, but he doesn't.
Matrix proved him wrong about the ambulance service and he's wrong on everything else.
Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing!
Hi Gladys,
I don't mean to come across as argumentative, but you are mistaken in your assumption that writing letters to the SOI will cause them to re-consider the tribe's recognition. There's no question that the tribe shouldn't have gotten recognized. And yes, that decision was made by the most corrupt branch of our government.
But, with no public comment period in place, the letters you write will never leave the mailroom. And if by some stroke of luck they do leave the mailroom, they will be sent to the BIA office in TN as soon as it's realized that the letter pertains to a tribe. And in TN, they will throw them away.
I'm not trying to rain on your parade, and I'm sorry if that's the impression I am giving you. The only reason I mention this is because we may have a bigger fight on our hands keeping the state from passing Class III. If that happens, then it will attract the attention of investors who are not interested in building anything other than a Class III facility. It doesn't ensure that the tribe will get a casino, but it does remove one of the many obstacles they face in trying to build one. Besides, as it stands right now, they don't have any investors, and I like it that way.
If you have any doubts as to the information I am passing on, please call the DOI, and ask for the secretary's office. You might not get anyone to help you on the first call, but eventually someone will explain this. Make sure they know that the application you are concerned about is for an initial reservation. They will also explain to you why that kind of application isn't remotely dependant on public opinion.
Anon 7:14
PS - This is a fight we can win. We just have to be sure we show up on the right battlefield.
Good luck with your inquiries.
Bumpkin, I'm sorry that Carverchick and I haven't been able to offer you 'credible' argument. But then, we don't wear the trucker hats in the family...
Nevertheless, I do understand your stance - but I don't think you understand mine - activism isn't the same as a job.
Taking a stand means just that - it's not always easy, there are no promises of success, and people don't always understand - but when the dust settles, and you're still standing, you've won.
Anon. 9:11, I'm not sure I understand what you mean by 'misinformation hysteria' and the last Task Force meeting. But actually, there was another reporter at the last task force meeting. Bobbi Sistrunk of the Carver Reporter wrote a fine article here.
But hey imagine that - people who weren't there, talking about things they don't know, on a public on-line forum. Gosh, I've never heard of that happening before (insert major sarcasm emoticon here.)
Anon: 9:30, I didn't mean to imply that you are wrong about any of this - it's just that I have a different take on it. I do completely believe many of our letters will be read, beause remember - they're not only going to the DOI and BIA - they're going to the AG's and others - and they will read them.
The important aspect of cc'ing these to the various organizations is to create a path of transparency.
If the BIA and DOI end up saying they never heard from us - then hey, it's not our fault. Maybe they should read their letters.
None of these letters will be a waste. I know it's easy to get discouraged - my reps are David Flynn (D - Slots) and Marc Pacheco (D - Tracks) and writing to them is very depressing, indeed. Sometimes you just have to do something because it's the right thing to do.
And I am very aware of the importance of the Class III issue at the moment - in fact - I'm pretty involved already. Stay
In the meantime everyone, think of those letters as more yellow bricks.
Good job by Bobbi Sistrunk!
There were several articles that misrepresented what transpired at that RTF meeting and The Brockton Enterprise limits the space, reporting and perspective when it publishes comments about the casino.
This is one that I found particularly
egregious --
Brockton Enterprise
It's doubtful that anyone writing letters believes that the BIA will publicly announce "Hey, we know we're the most corrupt agency in all of govt. and we made a mistake because of political payoffs and campaign contributions."
I know I sure don't.
Not only is writing letters cathartic, but someone somewhere might actually read something and begin to raise the same questions those of us involved with the undemocratic, gavel to silence process have. Why the rush? Why was the land auctioned in a poorly advertised auction -- it was only advertised in the Gazette? What went on behind closed doors?
Rumors have been rampant and maybe it's time to investigate what transpired locally.
Anon. 11:45 - but Anon. 9:30 brought up a good point - are there really Federal agencies which don't and won't listen to THE PUBLIC??
Hey, there's a red flag in and of itself. And more reason to write.
I mean, why isn't the public getting heard when they try to alert the government (which is paid for by THE PUBLIC) to potential wrongdoing.
Heck that doesn't seem in keeping with Mr. Obama's pledge to practice business IN THE LIGHT OF DAY.
I'll just have to write about that...
Anon. 11:19 - oh THAT one...
I have a note right here reminding me to write an editorial regarding that...
You should probably know that the federal government will only consider investigating the recognition process of the Mashpee tribe IF the charges are for bribary.
Right now, based on the charges, it only looks like the tribe had to do payoffs in order to speed up the process. This coupled with the fact that the tribe won a court case which demanded the feds review the application which had been sitting for 15+ years only further supports the stand that recognition was not bought, just expedited.
Without bribary charges, I fear the feds will not step up and say there was any wrongdoings in DC.
Well, the Feds have to start somewhere don't they? I mean, at first no one knew anything except Glenn Marshall had 5 purple hearts, the Congressional Medal of Honor and the Mashpee Wampanoag met the Pilgrims.
And I wouldn't rule out bribery somewhere in the land of Oz. We are talking about gambling interests.
Of course, if no one writes that first letter raising concern and indicating suspicion, how will we ever know.
Some of the letters may be focusing on the BIA/LIT and surrounding issues, but I am bothered by the accusation made by Bond that Minni Mi is/was/has communicated with Stephen Graham. Or for that matter, is/was/has Helen Belmont? Who the hell is she to communicate with a lobbyist from the tribe who may be indicted? And what's her interest? How much will the casino net her in land sales? Does she already have a P&S contingent on LIT approval? Here's someone who never attended town meeting, bos meeting or in anyway indicated any interest in or knowledge of town government, suddenly front row center waving blue wampanoag signs while her foster kids ran rampant.
Minni Mi's conduct needs to be addressed by Ethics. Her continued participation in discussions regarding the fire department need clarification. If your spouse works for a town dept over which you have control, your participation is prohibited by ethics laws.
It's about time some of these oversight depts did their jobs and earned their money.
Who else in this town was communicating with the tribe, lobbyists, Glen 'The Felon' Marshal? and when?
Who else accepted 'gifts'? Bond made a public comment about returning a gift because it exceeded the value permissible by MGL. Does that mean the other bos members retained theirs? I'm asking. Is anyone else?
One of the most troubling aspects that hasn't been commented on is that Bond and his grossly over-inflated ego feels so 'threatened' that it was commented on by Hal Brown, referenced in his resignation.
It was previously commented on elsewhere that he was received phone calls without reasonable consideration of caller ID or police prosecution for harassment.
We could conclude 1. he made the comments to increase his self-importance and impress others of his value 2. he truly believes it and is paranoid.
Most involved in the process recognize that once the LIT application was submitted, the town is of little importance and bit players even less so.
The insight of others would be appreciated. Have I misunderstood the matter?
Anon 1:21.
You are accurate in your assessement that once the LIT was submitted, the town and it's "bit players" (love that!) cease to exist. In DC, we are nothing but a spot on the map.
Incidentally, I prefer it this way. Had this application been for a 2-part determination, then public opinion would assure it's approval, mostly because the only public opinion they care about is the public that says, "yes, we want a casino!"
Which confirms what I always suspected: the BIA has it's own brand of kool-aid.
Montville, home of Mohegan Sun readily forwarded a copy of their contract with the tribe. The clerk readily admitted that a 'local attorney,' inexperienced in the issues and unfamiliar with IGRA, had negotiated the contract and neglected to include a percentage of slots, annual increases and many other important things. (Similar to the initial Whitten agreement.)
The wildly profitable casino has made 'generous' contributions to the town, including bearing the costs of access roads that should have been included in the contract.
The state's web site includes a list of 'failed schools' in the state. Middleboro casino supporters have failed to notice that the failed schools surround the casinos. That's what we have to look forward to. The major issues are teaching ESL (English as a second language) that is underfunded by the state.
This will destroy the schools of all surrounding communities.
Casino supporters need to read "Without Reservation."
Casino gambling is a loose loose proposition. Look not further than California. When legislators can't do their jobs, eliminate hacks, waste and corruption, any pie in the sky will do.
I have to disagree with you on this one. If the casino ever did come...which it isn't, then the State is going to take every penny it can and give out as little as it needs to regardless of how much Middleboro gets. I don't hold out any illusions of the Tribe giving more money to Middleboro...expect that their new Council may give the appearance of want to re-open discussions to make them look good, but in my humble opinion, it would be nothing but smoke and mirrors. Also, I wasn't implying that you were implying to use the IGA as a dangling carrot for other towns, so I am sorry if you took it that way. My cynicism stems from the fact that this Tribe has shown time and time again that it cannot be trusted - and I have sincere doubts about your selectmen also, current and ex.
anon 2:21,
Certain people can pound their chests, stomp up and down to call attention to themselves, resign, storm out of meetings or continue to appear the jackass to the braying mules.
This was never about their trivial role.
This isn't about Shawn Hendricks forgetting to include Mboro in negotiations with the state.
You signed away your soul to international casino investors for silver pieces-both the tribe and the bos.
Most informed native americans recognize how corrupt the BIA is.
CC - We're good.
We all have a different take on the right way to oppose it this - but united in opposing it.
I can take a few punches and honest disagreement.
Then why don't you publish all the comments to your blog?
I don't publish any comment that I think will cause more trouble than it's content warrants. I probably publish 90-95% of the ones I get.
I don't think any blogger publishes every comment they get.
anon 9:14,
I've always loved Macbeth.
Here's the rest of the quote that made me laugh --
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.
In talking w/anti friends, and from my own experience, I think your actual percentage is much lower, Bumpkin, and gives a false sense of what people who respond to this issue are thinking. I only mention it in the spirit of "honest disagreement". I know that some of my comments to your blog, as well as those of others which you haven't published, weren't meant to 'cause trouble'. But they definitely disagreed with you at times.
Actually, my percentage hovers around 99.7%. I don't usually publish the names of private citizens unless they are related to the issue, certainly not addresses, sensitive information, excessive profanity, and of course, , psychotic rants and death threats... oh and there's a whole collection of our on-line community's feelings for Mrs. Bond, which I've never published.
But most people who visit this blog have figured that out.
Dear Anon: 8:55 - I got my Middleboro Gazette today. Guess who was on the front page?
Just when I think I'm free...
So, as a fan of Shakespeare - THANKS! Let us hope that 'poor player' in this tragedy is heard no more...
I never refuse to publish a comment based on whether or not it disagrees with my opinion.
If a comment is insulting or has a tone that is going to detract from the discussion - in my estimation - then it doesn't get published. Honest disagreement - fine.
By all means if I fail to publish a comment of yours, take it up with me via email and I'll explain why - or publish it yourself on your own blog.
Given the casino jobs report that came out today, discussions about what comments I do or don't publish seems like an enormous waste of brain cycles to me.
Short version is: Any comment that contains anything that is over my personal line doesn't get in.
Okey dokey.
I get it. Bond gone. Turn the corner. New subject.
I couldn't agree, more.
Months ago, actually.
You know women and their soap operas!
So a few friends and I were coffee klatchin' and speculatin' 'bout
the next chapter.
We voted on these 'speculations'
1. Bond does something outrageous and goes out in a blaze of glory
2. Bond tucks tail and moves out in the middle of the night
3. Those perpetrators who have a'scared Bond are apprehended and prosecuted. Turns out to be the ghosts in town hall. Challenging prosecution
4. White steed is found for Bond and Mrs. to ride through Main St naked
5. No one notices
Anon. 9:45,
LOL! I loved General Hospital and All My Children back in the day. But I do think the soaps have their share of male fans, too.
But these last two years have certainly felt like a real-life soap opera at times.
Let's hope it goes the way of Ryan's Hope, shall we?
As to speculations, I'm out of creative ideas. But I do seem to recall a memorable moment featuring Erica Kane, her boyfriend, and a steamroller...
Taking a quick whirl around the blogs before turning in, the image of white stead, Bond naked ....
Stuff of nightmares!
My vote is #5 No one notices
Never to be heard from again.
I'll offer to help them pack.
The Welcome Wagon Lady? Not!
Writing letters and remembering the awful events surrounding the casino issues in Mboro has been extremely painful even in hindsight.
Bond and Mrs. were hate-filled, venomous and downright rude to casino opponents.
More than anyone else, Bond divided the town and created the animosity that exists today.
Everyone on the BOS and several others in town knew about the casino negotiations and they sat silently and watched democracy undermined.
Keep writing the letters. Those involved need to be revealed.
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