If you came upon this video while searching for information on Adam Bond, please click here. It will take you to a more recent post with much more information and video. Thank you.
Oh Gladys, You are so creative! When I saw the video link, I thought you had gotten your hands on footage of the infamous "the voters are idiots" faux pas...which I hope you still can. I reacted so negatively when I heard him make the "innocence" and "sophistication" comments at the BOS meeting on cable Monday night! His comments were just dripping with arrogance and disdain, IMHO.
Out of town friends are asking why Alan Bond hasn't been included in the Recall. And Queen Victoria's public conduct has not gone unnoticed! And when I explain that he's running for 'office,' their unanimous response is 'Fat Chance'! Thanks for the laugh! Isn't it a good thing the 'Idiots' can still vote!
A soothing thought would be Adam Bond being attacked and eaten by wild dogs! No,by cannibals! Killer bees? Yeah, killer bees. Forever to be remembered as the "retarded looking" guy that ruined Middleboro.
Our younger profoundly retarded son was the the most gentle, accepting and loving soul I have ever seen. 22 years spent loving and living with him was a profoundly rewarding experience. He touched the lives of many people in Middleboro from doctors, teachers, town officials to the elderly living in trailer parks. Even though I strongly disagree with Adam Bond and the tactics he employed, I find your description of him as "retarded looking" to be even more offensive. Giving in to the emotional pull to use such tactics demeans the credibility of the cause you support. Looking too much at injustice can have a dark effect on us, so I hope that you can find something life giving to look at for a while, and find peace.
Adam wanted to get us a good deal. When he couldn't, he signed a bad deal anyway to increase his name recognition and become the big man who first signed a casino deal. This is all so he can run for some higher office.
He screwed us all to further his own ambitions. He'll move on and leave us with the mess he created.
Enough with the name calling...when will this whining and childish behavoir stop?? Referring to someone as ' RETARDED' in this day and age is NOT FUNNY!
Clearly, Alan needs a new script writer! His pontifications failed to have the desired results, but remember, he sits on an elected Board of 5 members. As you watch Dictator Marsha (whose incompetent husband takes $85,000 a year of your tax dollars, will get an 80% pension, lifetime healthcare you can't afford but pay for, responsible for the spectacular Town Web Site -- a disgrace to even the computer illiterate, who purchased a TV charged to the cable committee while he was chairman -- how petty!), remember that you elected her because you didn't vote and weren't paying attention! The Dictator was named in the lawsuit filed by Lisa Higgins, former town accountant, who was harrassed until she was forced to resign. Ultimately, Lisa will prevail because she has the facts, so your tax dollars will pay to defend the Dictator's behavior, and you will pay Lisa's settlement. Please check out the town's web site and thank Roger!
And then there's Mr. Wayne Perkins, who was quietly the force behind the casino deal, but lacks the backbone to proclaim same. Watch Mr. Perkins carefully. He proclaims 'facts' as he remembers them, but a careful research reveals that he is not the 'institutional memory' some might believe. He is a dinosaur in his own time whose memory fails, and whose narrow, insular world of 'career political hack' is obsolete. Mr. Perkins is largely responsible for the flawed decisions that got you where you are. Take a look at the Selectmen's meeting minutes available on the town's web site for some of Mr. Perkins' impressive quotes like 'towns in Connecticut that have casinos don't pay taxes.' Take a look at town employees with the same last name. Hmm. It should be noted that Mr. Perkins is also on a municipal pension.
And then there's the 'Bobble Head,' Mr. Spataro. Some have difficulty understanding why he is on the Board. His embarrassing episode during the interview with a candidate for Town Manager succeeded in embarrassing only him -- if he had any sense. The prospective candidate had noticed that the massive refurbished and expensive Town Hall is mostly vacant, wasted space. How astute! Apparently, Mr. Spataro hadn't noticed! The candidate suggested that an effective town manager would want to be near employees. How novel! How blasphemous! And few can forget his performance with his flawed easel presentation of .... well, viewers couldn't figure out exactly what his bizarre presentation was, but understood that he misstated publicly available facts. Who prepared him for his folly? Why did the Queen Marsha allow the folly? It has not gone unnoticed that he avoids voters and most of his tenure on the Board was spent with his hands on his lap, smiling and giggling toward the back of the room! That he is in charge of a + $60 million enterprise defines voter apathy. Are you payng attention now?
Just to clear something up for all the bleeding hearts.The fact that Adam Bond was called "retarded" has nothing to do with any human condition or birth defect.Retarded is defined as:A person of such intelligence who acts in a stupid way(Middleboro bos) or;Backward development (such as the casino deal)The statement ..."days of innocence are over" is more appauling than any name that can be thrown at anyone.All apologies to the offended.No apologies to the BOS for acting in a retarted (backward) manor.Just to remind you,this sight is for anticasino people to voice their "anti" opinion about what happening in their region,in their lives.Go start a "I hate democracy" BLOG for yourself.
There is a new forum on the CasinoFacts.org site - a great place to have a discussion, or to ask questions, get news, blow off steam, find like-minded people etc. Since you can't breathe an anti-casino breath in either Middleboro or Bridgewater, it's a good place to be able to talk. I recommend everyone check it out.
People get the government they deserve. That Middleboro surrendered direct democracy to a board of despots was done in clear view. Will you pay attention now?
watching Alan's arrogance this evening, I just had to re-visit this! Someone needs to tell Alan that grandstanding doesn't work. His arrogance continues to shine through. Some folks just can't lead. He sounded smart when he kept his mouth shut. Had us all fooled.
My name is Mary Tufts, and I live in Bridgewater, Massachusetts.
In early 2007 I first heard about land right down the street in Middleboro being sold to build a casino, and knew the problems a casino would create weren't going to stop short at the town border.
Aside from voting, I'd never participated in government, so I didn't know what to expect when I went to Middleboro town hall to sit in on an informational meeting about the casino - but I didn't expect to hear an attorney, who claimed to be an expert in tribal law, telling everyone that it was all over. To give up and sign on the dotted line.
That didn't seem right to me. It didn't even seem American to me.
I heard a lot of pros and cons of expanded gambling that night, and over the next few years, but most of the things I learned scared me. Witnessing the process scared me more. So I guess I just decided to stop being scared, and start fighting.
I met a lot of fantastic (and not so fantastic) people along the way, and became part of grassroots movement to preserve quality of life, kick corporate influence out of politics, and rid government of it's gambling addiction.
Welcome to my adventures in activism.
- Mary (aka Gladys)
Choose Your Favorite Gladys Videos!
Gladys needs your multimedia. Send me your video, audio, photos, even cell-phone photos. Anything and everything pertaining to this proposed casino. Send them to: Gladys
Oh Gladys,
You are so creative! When I saw the video link, I thought you had gotten your hands on footage of the infamous "the voters are idiots" faux pas...which I hope you still can. I reacted so negatively when I heard him make the "innocence" and "sophistication" comments at the BOS meeting on cable Monday night! His comments were just dripping with arrogance and disdain, IMHO.
Out of town friends are asking why Alan Bond hasn't been included in the Recall. And Queen Victoria's public conduct has not gone unnoticed!
And when I explain that he's running for 'office,' their unanimous response is 'Fat Chance'!
Thanks for the laugh!
Isn't it a good thing the 'Idiots' can still vote!
A soothing thought would be Adam Bond being attacked and eaten by wild dogs!
No,by cannibals!
Killer bees?
Yeah, killer bees.
Forever to be remembered as the "retarded looking" guy that ruined Middleboro.
Do you think Adam Bond talks like that at home? I can picture him sitting there writing his script, so he could sound oh-so-important.
LOVE the video! Always an Emmy performance Mr. Bond! Somebody get that boy an Ocscar!
Our younger profoundly retarded son was the the most gentle, accepting and loving soul I have ever seen. 22 years spent loving and living with him was a profoundly rewarding experience. He touched the lives of many people in Middleboro from doctors, teachers, town officials to the elderly living in trailer parks. Even though I strongly disagree with Adam Bond and the tactics he employed, I find your description of him as "retarded looking" to be even more offensive. Giving in to the emotional pull to use such tactics demeans the credibility of the cause you support. Looking too much at injustice can have a dark effect on us, so I hope that you can find something life giving to look at for a while, and find peace.
Sophisticated business practices?!
My god - who are these people?!
P.S. I'm "Adam" but not Adam Bond.
Adam wanted to get us a good deal. When he couldn't, he signed a bad deal anyway to increase his name recognition and become the big man who first signed a casino deal. This is all so he can run for some higher office.
He screwed us all to further his own ambitions. He'll move on and leave us with the mess he created.
Enough with the name calling...when will this whining and childish behavoir stop?? Referring to someone as ' RETARDED' in this day and age is NOT FUNNY!
Clearly, Alan needs a new script writer! His pontifications failed to have the desired results, but remember, he sits on an elected Board of 5 members. As you watch Dictator Marsha (whose incompetent husband takes $85,000 a year of your tax dollars, will get an 80% pension, lifetime healthcare you can't afford but pay for, responsible for the spectacular Town Web Site -- a disgrace to even the computer illiterate, who purchased a TV charged to the cable committee while he was chairman -- how petty!), remember that you elected her because you didn't vote and weren't paying attention!
The Dictator was named in the lawsuit filed by Lisa Higgins, former town accountant, who was harrassed until she was forced to resign.
Ultimately, Lisa will prevail because she has the facts, so your tax dollars will pay to defend the Dictator's behavior, and you will pay Lisa's settlement.
Please check out the town's web site and thank Roger!
And then there's Mr. Wayne Perkins, who was quietly the force behind the casino deal, but lacks the backbone to proclaim same.
Watch Mr. Perkins carefully. He proclaims 'facts' as he remembers them, but a careful research reveals that he is not the 'institutional memory' some might believe. He is a dinosaur in his own time whose memory fails, and whose narrow, insular world of 'career political hack' is obsolete. Mr. Perkins is largely responsible for the flawed decisions that got you where you are. Take a look at the Selectmen's meeting minutes available on the town's web site for some of Mr. Perkins' impressive quotes like 'towns in Connecticut that have casinos don't pay taxes.'
Take a look at town employees with the same last name. Hmm.
It should be noted that Mr. Perkins is also on a municipal pension.
And then there's the 'Bobble Head,'
Mr. Spataro.
Some have difficulty understanding why he is on the Board.
His embarrassing episode during the interview with a candidate for Town Manager succeeded in embarrassing only him -- if he had any sense.
The prospective candidate had noticed that the massive refurbished and expensive Town Hall is mostly vacant, wasted space. How astute! Apparently, Mr. Spataro hadn't noticed!
The candidate suggested that an effective town manager would want to be near employees. How novel! How blasphemous!
And few can forget his performance with his flawed easel presentation of .... well, viewers couldn't figure out exactly what his bizarre presentation was, but understood that he misstated publicly available facts. Who prepared him for his folly? Why did the Queen Marsha allow the folly? It has not gone unnoticed that he avoids voters and most of his tenure on the Board was spent with his hands on his lap, smiling and giggling toward the back of the room! That he is in charge of a + $60 million enterprise defines voter apathy. Are you payng attention now?
Just to clear something up for all the bleeding hearts.The fact that Adam Bond was called "retarded" has nothing to do with any human condition or birth defect.Retarded is defined as:A person of such intelligence who acts in a stupid way(Middleboro bos) or;Backward development (such as the casino deal)The statement ..."days of innocence are over" is more appauling than any name that can be thrown at anyone.All apologies to the offended.No apologies to the BOS for acting in a retarted (backward) manor.Just to remind you,this sight is for anticasino people to voice their "anti" opinion about what happening in their region,in their lives.Go start a "I hate democracy" BLOG for yourself.
There is a new forum on the CasinoFacts.org site - a great place to have a discussion, or to ask questions, get news, blow off steam, find like-minded people etc. Since you can't breathe an anti-casino breath in either Middleboro or Bridgewater, it's a good place to be able to talk. I recommend everyone check it out.
People get the government they deserve. That Middleboro surrendered direct democracy to a board of despots was done in clear view. Will you pay attention now?
watching Alan's arrogance this evening, I just had to re-visit
Someone needs to tell Alan that grandstanding doesn't work.
His arrogance continues to shine through. Some folks just can't lead. He sounded smart when he kept his mouth shut. Had us all fooled.
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