Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The BIG concern - Part 1


Anonymous said...

'Legal Jargonese' seems to have fried someone's brain!

carverchick said...

Typical lawyer -- funny, I did read the agreement, every single horrifying page of it -- it is quite clear that the Town is obligated to work on behalf of the Tribe and only the Tribe....Gosh, I sure would love to hear what Mr. Bond has to say about the ambiguities clause!!

Carl said...

Out of the mouths of boobs.

carverchick said...

Out of the mouths of boobs indeed...Section 22 also goes on to say - the Town will reasonably assist the Tribe in responding to negative comments about the project, reiterating the Town's support and the basis therefor.

Oooh, now I get it! That is why Marsha Brunelle and Wayne Perkins changed their tune about a casino in Middleboro. They are required to respond to negative comments with their undivided love and support to the project as required by the agreement!!
