I love your site and thanks for what you are doing to help.
I hope you'll post something about Adam Bond's letter in the Globe South. This man is beyond unbelievable. I can't recall the Middleboro BS (oops, I mean BOS) asking for the opinion of the surrounding communities - but now he expects the surrounding communities to value his opinion and ask for his input?
I'm not sure calling out local Rep's, etc., is really the best way to go. But, his mistake might be our gain.
Gladys, Thanks for your efforts. This is very funny, but also very sad. The town I have called home for more than 48 years has been sold to the highest bidder, by incompetent fools.
Gladys, No outsider would believe what has gone on in Middleboro for the past 8 months. It's truly a script from the twilight zone. I thank you for continuing to write your blogs...you're making a huge impact.
My name is Mary Tufts, and I live in Bridgewater, Massachusetts.
In early 2007 I first heard about land right down the street in Middleboro being sold to build a casino, and knew the problems a casino would create weren't going to stop short at the town border.
Aside from voting, I'd never participated in government, so I didn't know what to expect when I went to Middleboro town hall to sit in on an informational meeting about the casino - but I didn't expect to hear an attorney, who claimed to be an expert in tribal law, telling everyone that it was all over. To give up and sign on the dotted line.
That didn't seem right to me. It didn't even seem American to me.
I heard a lot of pros and cons of expanded gambling that night, and over the next few years, but most of the things I learned scared me. Witnessing the process scared me more. So I guess I just decided to stop being scared, and start fighting.
I met a lot of fantastic (and not so fantastic) people along the way, and became part of grassroots movement to preserve quality of life, kick corporate influence out of politics, and rid government of it's gambling addiction.
Welcome to my adventures in activism.
- Mary (aka Gladys)
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Gladys needs your multimedia. Send me your video, audio, photos, even cell-phone photos. Anything and everything pertaining to this proposed casino. Send them to: Gladys
Great job!
Good reminder of the Board of Clowns!
Did we hear church bells pronounce the death of Middleboro as this vote was taken?
Gladys, I like it, but a better choice of song would have been "I'm your puppet". Or,that one that goes.... 1,2,3,4. dumb,dumb,dumb,dumb,dumb!
I love your site and thanks for what you are doing to help.
I hope you'll post something about Adam Bond's letter in the Globe South. This man is beyond unbelievable. I can't recall the Middleboro BS (oops, I mean BOS) asking for the opinion of the surrounding communities - but now he expects the surrounding communities to value his opinion and ask for his input?
I'm not sure calling out local Rep's, etc., is really the best way to go. But, his mistake might be our gain.
Gladys, Thanks for your efforts. This is very funny, but also very sad. The town I have called home for more than 48 years has been sold to the highest bidder, by incompetent fools.
You're a hoot!
No outsider would believe what has gone on in Middleboro for the past 8 months. It's truly a script from the twilight zone.
I thank you for continuing to write your blogs...you're making a huge impact.
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